Boulders Beach 2

Another view of Boulders Beach.
I decided to paint this one a little lighter than the previous one of Boulders Beach.
Focus on the rocks and not one the lady in the bathing costume!

Boulders Beach 2 - please click on the image to open.

18 responses to “Boulders Beach 2

  1. Oh…but the lady makes it. She directs my gaze to where you want it to go. No bother at all. I like the fuzziness to her because I really don’t need a lot of information from her. I think the light is excellent in this, Jan. What is so interesting is the way you paint these with just enough fuzz to make me want more! ….and I want to be there. Beautiful!

    • I was saying to the men to look at the rocks, but I knew she was doing the work! It worried me a bit that she is exactly in the middle of the
      painting… but decided to leave her there. Thank you so much for your comments! I really appreciate them!! And I love how you talk about the fuzziness and stuff and thank you for making me think more about what I paint and how I do it. Thanks, Leslie!!!

      • Well, I think she helped to make this a T composition, Jan. I don’t see her as the center of interest but supportive. The center of interest is that boy standing in the light in the upper right quadrant. A very nice place for it in the blazing strip of light. Backing that up is the group of figures off to the left in the light with the hint of red…… really quite nicely put together I think.

      • You are so kind and thanks for analyzing the painting so that I can see what you see. Even the T composition is more acceptable to me now! In the past I always steered clear from something like that. Thanks again

  2. The light and dark shading of the rocks is very nice, as is the overall impressionistic feel of the picture.

  3. Love the texture of this painting, clearly seem most on the rocks surface. Very nice work!

  4. Lesli sums up my thoughts quite well, actually. The direction of the lady moves the eye through the picture quite nicely.

  5. “Beautiful”!!! As usual Jan,you do very good work.
    Love ya 😀

  6. You’ve done it again Jan! Texture, colour and life. There’s a feeling when I look at your work I can only describe as happiness. Great gift that, to make others feel happy from what you produce. Keep producing my friend.

    • Thank you so much, Keith. I really appreciate your very kind words. And thanks for thinking that I can with what I do make others feel happy. Now I am happy! Have a great day!

  7. The lady, the rocks, the water–it all looks good! Kinda makes me long for summer.

    • Hi Kathy!
      Thank you for your comment! You are welcome to jump in!
      Next week I am on my way to visit our kids and grandchildren in Dubai and they are telling me that the temperatures during the day are reaching over 104 degrees F already and it is still hotting up and can even reach 122 degrees F this time of year. Maybe I must ask you for some of your colder temperatures to take with me. I hope I survive!
      Enjoy your day!

      • 104~~I am sweating thinking about it! Enjoy your trip to Dubai. I will send some cold temperatures your way. 🙂

  8. Thank you very much, Kathy!
    Well, at least is there an air conditioner in every room, but it is the outside and the desert that worries me a little.
    I am sure I am going to enjoy the trip!

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