Category Archives: Betty’s Bay

More rocks……..

More rocks at Betty's Bay - click on the image to open

And some more…….!

And some more rocks at Betty’s Bay.
I am sorry, but I cannot go through life without rocks.
If you think I am strange and want to say it, it is OK, I can take it!

More Rocks at Betty’s Bay

And some more!


Some more rocks at Betty’s Bay.
What can I say?
I love rocks!

Rocks at Betty’s Bay

Another sketch of the rocks and the sea.

Carved by the Sea

The digital sketch used in the new header and is also of the rocks and sea at Betty’s Bay.

On this image the cartoon outline effect is now more visible than the ” Over Time ” image before opening it.

Over Time

A digital sketch of rocks carved out by the sea over thousands of years at Betty’s Bay, Western Cape, South Africa.
Here the other technique, that I mentioned in the previous post, was used.

When you click on this image and let it open, you will see the effect of cartoon like outlining.